Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Exit Wounds

I really enjoy the overall story and tone of Exit Wounds, even though I think that the characters could have been fleshed out more so. The things I enjoy is how personal this story is. As much as I appreciate fantastical and epic stories, I appreciate using the medium of comic books and graphic novels to tell a realistic depiction of heavy subject matter in a fantastical medium. I also enjoy that amount of knowledge I gain on other cultures, by just reading about these characters. It's extremely similar to observing people with different cultures in real life. It's rich and fascinating the way the author is able to convey so much through an overall tone, even though it does deal with a culture identity, it is more about the loss of strong personal connections. I think the way the author is able to create a character, the character of the father, without actually really ever seeing him is fascinating and really brilliant, and truly matches the authors talent at character development with Koby. The actual artwork is interesting for sure. It's not to detailed, especially in the faces, but the dynamic scale that is used is completely subjective, placing you both in the midst of everything, but also as an observer.

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